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Mastering the Maintenance Game: How to Keep Pounds Off

The Reality of Weight Maintenance: Let's be real. The journey of weight loss isn't just about hitting a certain number on the scale. The challenge many of us face isn't in reaching that desired weight but in maintaining a comfortable and healthy weight. That's why at Ovvia®, we focus not solely on weight loss but sustainable weight management. We are not just about helping you reach your weight goal; we're here to guide you on how to keep it off for good. Take a look at our top tips for maintaining a healthy weight!

A Shift in Mindset: Often, dissatisfaction with our bodies can stem from unrealistic expectations set by societal standards. Rather than being obsessed with the scale, why not celebrate your health and the wonderful journey your body has taken? A number on the scale does not define your worth. The most important thing is that you are comfortable and content in your own skin. At Ovvia®, our mindset isn't focused on unrealistic weight ideals but on improving health, boosting confidence, and fostering self-love.

The Basics of Maintenance: According to the National Weight Control Registry, individuals who have successfully lost weight and kept it off share some common factors. These aren't secret strategies; they are basic principles that can inform your approach to weight maintenance. With the help of our Ovvia® Membership, you get access to educational content that breaks down these principles and helps you adapt them to your lifestyle.

Embrace Being an Eternal Student: As a member of the Ovvia®, we provide you with the latest, most up-to-date education in weight management and wellness, so you don't have to rely on hearsay or wait for the next diet trend. Our extensive Member's Video Library is a trove of insightful resources available anytime, anywhere.

Bouncing Back: Weight regain is not an anomaly; it happens, and that's okay. The important thing is how we respond to it. At Ovvia®, we encourage setting a weight range and taking immediate action if your weight starts creeping up beyond your comfort zone. Our Live Weekly Coaching Sessions and Supportive Community will guide you back on track.

Maintenance is Defense: Shifting from weight loss to maintenance mode isn't as simple as flicking a switch. It requires a continuous commitment to healthy eating habits and regular physical activity. Be ready to defend your progress against potential threats like lifestyle changes or emotional upheavals. As a member of Ovvia®, you have a wealth of resources and a supportive community to help you stay on defense.

Change as Life Changes: Major life events, like having a baby or beginning a new job, can interrupt our established routines. During these times, establishing new patterns for your healthy habits is crucial. That's where our Ovvia® Membership shines! With our Supportive Community and Live Coaching Sessions, you can find help to strategize and build new routines that work for your changing circumstances.

The Clothes Whisper, The Scale Speaks: Your clothes and the scale are feedback tools. They can whisper or scream at you about your progress. It's important to weigh yourself daily and take body measurements regularly. This helps you to identify any changes early on and manage your weight effectively. With Ovvia®, you get practical advice on how to use these tools to your advantage.

The Power of Vigilance: Awareness and vigilance are key to maintenance. Regularly monitor your habits, and understand how they affect your metabolism and overall health. This vigilance isn't about judgment; it's a form of self-care. Ovvia® educates you on the power of awareness, gives you tools and trackers, and shows you how to use them to maintain your healthy weight. 

Embrace Change: Aging is not a curse; it's a beautiful reality that brings new experiences and challenges. At Ovvia®, we guide you on how to adapt your weight maintenance strategies to align with different life stages.

The Power of Choice: It's normal to feel a sense of relief and freedom release from the rigor of losing weight. And this newfound freedom to choose foods and plan meals during maintenance can become overwhelming. At Ovvia®, you learn to exercise your power of choice effectively. We also help you understand the impact of regular indulgence - it's one of the most common ways to regain weight.

The Power of Perseverance: Weight maintenance requires determination, knowledge, and adaptability. You'll have ups and downs, but you can maintain weight loss in the long run with perseverance. With Ovvia®, you're never alone on this journey. We're here to cheer you on and encourage you every step of the way!

Bottom Line: Weight maintenance isn't just about the numbers. It's a holistic approach encompassing your mind, body, and lifestyle. It involves setting realistic expectations, ongoing learning, adapting to life's changes, treating yourself with kindness, and celebrating your progress, no matter how small. Join us at Ovvia® today and start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle!

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