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Sensible Celebrations: Strategies to Holiday Festivities

As we step into the festive season, it’s essential to navigate the holiday celebrations without falling into the trap of overindulgence or the dread of post-holiday dieting. I'm here to share Ovvia’s approach to enjoying December’s delights in a way that honors both our health and our love for seasonal joys. It’s not just about making smart choices; it’s about savoring each moment and finding a harmonious balance between celebration and well-being.

1. Selective...
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Sizzling Tips for a Healthy & Fun Memorial Day

As Memorial Day approaches, the excitement of summer begins! How can you make the most of this three-day holiday weekend while staying healthy and enjoying yourself? We've got you covered with these simple tips:

Stay Hydrated
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you're spending time outdoors in the sun[1].
  • Opt for refreshing, non-alcoholic beverages like infused water or iced tea to keep you cool and hydrated.
Choose Healthy Grilling Options
  • Opt for lean meats, such as...
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Super Bowl Strategy:Ā No Restrictions, Enjoy the Day!

A New, Modern Way to Stay Healthy & Celebrate!

Let's enjoy a weekend of fun and celebration! You don't need to be a football fan to enjoy gathering with friends and family to have fun and indulge in good food. That's my plan; I plan to eat all the food I want, and if that sounds alarming, that's because it's the updated, modern way to be healthy: no restrictions!  

Limitations Linger

When we try to restrict ourselves during a special occasion, feelings of scarcity,...

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Temperature Guide for Grilled Burgers

Temperature Guide for Grilled Burgers:

They cook quick! Three minutes for a 1/4 lb. 4 oz. burger brings it to 90% cooked most typically. Recommend using an instant-read thermometer to avoid over-cooking. Happy grilling! 


  •  120°F rare (red & raw)
  •  130°F medium-rare (warm, but pink)
  •  140°F medium (starts to dry-out, mostly pink)
  •  150°F medium-well (grayish-pink, significantly less moist)
  •  160°F + well-done (completely gray, can be...
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Frozen Burgers: What to Buy & Why

If you want to have “fast food” on hand at home, frozen burgers are absolutely essential. Why? Most all of the boxed brands do NOT require a defrost. Which means, you can cook them frozen! Get the temp. guide here too!

Convenience is the big advantage over fresh burgers, because they’re always ready to go in the freezer to “cook & eat”.  in less than 10 minutes on an outdoor grill or in a pan on the stove top. Either way, you’ll likely waste...

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Weekend BBQ Meal Plan!

Enjoy yourself, don’t destroy yourself this holiday weekend! We all love to celebrate with food, family and friends, that’s why, I plan for the exceptional foods and I also formulate a plan to protect my metabolic health too. Here are my top tips and links to recipes!

Make FIBER the 1st Priority

"Catch carbohydrates” with the net of protection fiber makes inside your belly. That’s why I eat fiber filled foods first. Then I’m better protected from...

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Beer: Did You Know?

Beer is often referred to as liquid bread, because regular beer contains sugar in the form of maltose…that’s the sugary carb and the brewer’s yeast, which is used to make both bread and beer. 

UPDATE: May 3, 2022 Video Post "How I Buy Beer" click to watch! 

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3 Cocktails that WON'T Spike your Blood Sugar



2-3oz vodka

Sparkling water

Lime Juice



2-3oz gin

Lime Juice 



2-3oz Whiskey


Sparkling water

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Drinking & Sugar: The Fastest Way to Weight-Gain

Sugar is Secretly Smuggled into Drinks 

It’s clear that drinking soda isn’t healthy, but most people don't realize that most everything added to a drink is sugar: natural honey, sweetened coffee creamer, supplement tablets and even powders designed to boost your immune system! All of it is liquid sugar, even a hundred percent natural fruit juice & fruit smoothies are all sugar! Even alcohol that's been distilled from fruit, like wine and champagne are all liquid...

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Holiday & Vacation Strategy!

holidays tips vacation Nov 19, 2021

It's real easy to think that we're gaining weight during the holidays & on vacation just because we're eating and drinking too much, but actually there's a lot more to it. I've put together a strategy to help you plan for your next holiday or vacation so that you can "enjoy yourself and not destroy yourself."

I like to say that you can't change what you don't understand. So let's start by learning why vacations & holidays are so disruptive and destructive?

Defining a Vacation


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