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Flexible Fitness: How to Make Time for Exercise in December

December—the month that fills our calendars with holiday parties, end-of-year deadlines, and family commitments. While the "December chaos" often sees fitness routines taking a backseat, it doesn't have to be that way. In this blog post, you'll discover actionable strategies to prioritize exercise, even amidst the December rush. After all, self-care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity.

Treat Yourself Like a Priority

When December arrives, our attention gets pulled in a dozen different...

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Journey to Wellness: 5 Key Habits

Simple Ways to Master Midlife Metabolism

Everyone's weight loss journey is unique, primarily influenced by seven biological mechanisms that regulate body weight. After decades of personal struggle, I found that incorporating five consistent habits sparked a transformative health journey, resulting in a weight loss of 75 pounds, even at now that I'm 56 years old!

Consistent Daily Exercise: Exercise must be an integral part of our daily routine[1], like brushing our teeth. With age, our...

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Stand Up to Improve Metabolic Health 

If Sitting is as Unhealthy as Smoking, How do we Quit?

Stand up at least once every hour, and remain standing for at least one minute. Ideally, walking or doing air squats to activate your muscles during the one minute. Because when you activate your muscles, you keep the mitochondria in the muscle cells strong, which increases your metabolism's efficiency and overall health. 

65% of Muscle is Below the Belt  

Most of the body's muscle is in the legs, thighs, glutes,...

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New Year Resolutions that Work!

With the New Year right around the corner, it's common to consider resolutions to help us feel optimistic about change and set our aim in a new direction.

But when we fall short or burn out, it's easy to feel frustrated and quit. I know; I've done it! These tips will help simplify the process and help you succeed with your resolutions to change!

Don't Boil the Ocean

I used to list all the new habits and changes I wanted to make to become my "perfect self" and ultimately overwhelm myself,...

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6 Steps to Enjoy Thanksgiving 

Thanksgiving is a holiday feast I look forward to every year! And just like any special event or vacation, these six steps help ensure I'm well-prepared to enjoy every moment!

 #1 Plan Beyond Thanksgiving

This Sunday, November 20th, I will shop for the Thanksgiving meal, and most importantly, I will shop for the weekend after Thanksgiving. I buy and prep the freezer-friendly, healthy meals I want on hand the weekend after the holiday feast. When I put effort into planning and preparing...

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