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Joyful Eating: Navigating Seasonal Temptations with Grace

As the Christmas and New Year festivities approach, a time full of celebratory meals and tempting treats, maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle becomes a significant challenge. This season, I focus on strategies that empower me to appreciate and enjoy the holidays while remaining healthy and avoiding weight gain. Here are some personal tips that have helped me navigate this wonderful yet challenging time of year.

Tweak Your Environment

Willpower is crucial, but it shouldn't be your...

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Flexible Fitness: How to Make Time for Exercise in December

December—the month that fills our calendars with holiday parties, end-of-year deadlines, and family commitments. While the "December chaos" often sees fitness routines taking a backseat, it doesn't have to be that way. In this blog post, you'll discover actionable strategies to prioritize exercise, even amidst the December rush. After all, self-care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity.

Treat Yourself Like a Priority

When December arrives, our attention gets pulled in a dozen different...

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Feast Wisely: Thanksgiving Myths Debunked

As the leaves change color and the air gets crisp, we gear up for one of the most cherished—and often indulgent—times of the year: the holiday season. Thanksgiving is a holiday centered around family, gratitude, and, yes, food. To help you make informed choices, Ovvia® Wellness is here to guide you through common nutrition myths with Real Food, Real Science, and Real Solutions. Subscribe for free to our weekly newsletter for the latest blog posts and exclusive access to...

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Savor Thanksgiving, Skip Regrets: 10 Tips

Thanksgiving is one holiday where the focus on food is especially intense, but that doesn't mean you can't have a delightful yet health-conscious celebration. Follow these 10 strategic tips to savor the holiday without sacrificing wellness.

1. Prepare for the Post-Feast

Days before Thanksgiving, plan and shop for the holiday and the following weekend. Stock up on healthy, freezer-friendly meals. This will make it easier to revert to healthier eating habits post-holiday, reducing the...

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Mastering Self-Control: Top Tips to Resist Temptation

Strategies to Help 

As we approach the week before Halloween, a holiday synonymous with sugary treats, and herald what many consider the "kick-off" of the holiday season, temptation lurks around every corner. This time of year, it's especially challenging to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Rather than focusing solely on weight loss, let's delve into strategies to help us avoid temptation altogether, setting us up for a truly happy and healthy holiday season.

  1. Harnessing Your...
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4th of July BBQ: 10 Healthy Recipes to Savor & Share

As we gather with friends and family outdoors this 4th of July, sharing delicious food is at the heart of our celebrations. To enhance your BBQ experience, Ovvia® offers a roundup of ten of our most popular dishes from our exclusive virtual Recipe Book, accessible to our $5 paid subscribers and Ovvia members. Join now to get access, and let's celebrate health and taste this Independence Day! And don't miss the "Special Occasion" section, where I share more of my holiday favorites,...

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Sizzling Tips for a Healthy & Fun Memorial Day

As Memorial Day approaches, the excitement of summer begins! How can you make the most of this three-day holiday weekend while staying healthy and enjoying yourself? We've got you covered with these simple tips:

Stay Hydrated
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you're spending time outdoors in the sun[1].
  • Opt for refreshing, non-alcoholic beverages like infused water or iced tea to keep you cool and hydrated.
Choose Healthy Grilling Options
  • Opt for lean meats, such as...
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Rock a Healthy Fiesta: 5 Cinco de Mayo Tips!

Cinco de Mayo is just around the corner, and it's time to prepare for a fun-filled holiday! While festivities often involve delicious food and drinks, enjoying the celebration without compromising your health is possible. Here are five tips to help you maintain your wellness goals during the holiday weekend:

  1. Opt for Fresh Veggies Over Chips: Instead of reaching for high-fat chips, choose vegetables like bell peppers, cucumbers, and carrots for snacking. These fiber-rich and nutrient-dense...
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3 Healthy Cocktail Recipes



Enjoy Yourself, Don't Destroy Yourself

When it comes to alcohol, what you drink can be just as important as how much you drink because alcohol isn't the only substance that can impact your health. Drinking sugar, fructose, and alcohol distilled from fruit can all trigger fat storage, slow metabolism, and stimulate appetite, hunger, and cravings. These tips and recipes can help you avoid unnecessary substances while you enjoy a cocktail! 

Avoid Sugar 

Most drinks are made from...

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6 Steps to Enjoy ThanksgivingĀ 

Thanksgiving is a holiday feast I look forward to every year! And just like any special event or vacation, these six steps help ensure I'm well-prepared to enjoy every moment!

 #1 Plan Beyond Thanksgiving

This Sunday, November 20th, I will shop for the Thanksgiving meal, and most importantly, I will shop for the weekend after Thanksgiving. I buy and prep the freezer-friendly, healthy meals I want on hand the weekend after the holiday feast. When I put effort into planning and preparing...

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