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Feast Wisely: Thanksgiving Myths Debunked

As the leaves change color and the air gets crisp, we gear up for one of the most cherished—and often indulgent—times of the year: the holiday season. Thanksgiving is a holiday centered around family, gratitude, and, yes, food. To help you make informed choices, Ovvia® Wellness is here to guide you through common nutrition myths with Real Food, Real Science, and Real Solutions. Subscribe for free to our weekly newsletter for the latest blog posts and exclusive access to...

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Savor Thanksgiving, Skip Regrets: 10 Tips

Thanksgiving is one holiday where the focus on food is especially intense, but that doesn't mean you can't have a delightful yet health-conscious celebration. Follow these 10 strategic tips to savor the holiday without sacrificing wellness.

1. Prepare for the Post-Feast

Days before Thanksgiving, plan and shop for the holiday and the following weekend. Stock up on healthy, freezer-friendly meals. This will make it easier to revert to healthier eating habits post-holiday, reducing the...

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6 Steps to Enjoy ThanksgivingĀ 

Thanksgiving is a holiday feast I look forward to every year! And just like any special event or vacation, these six steps help ensure I'm well-prepared to enjoy every moment!

 #1 Plan Beyond Thanksgiving

This Sunday, November 20th, I will shop for the Thanksgiving meal, and most importantly, I will shop for the weekend after Thanksgiving. I buy and prep the freezer-friendly, healthy meals I want on hand the weekend after the holiday feast. When I put effort into planning and preparing...

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