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Mind Over Munchies: Breaking Free from Routine Eating

Do you eat at the same time every day, regardless of whether you're truly hungry?

Do you reach for food when stressed or emotional? You're not alone. Many of us fall into the trap of routine eating, where we eat out of habit rather than responding to our body's actual hunger signals [1]. But why do we behave this way?

As humans, we have evolved to seek out food to survive. In the past, we didn't always have easy access to food, so eating when it was available was important. This has led us to...

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Decoy Hunger: The Real Reason You're Hungry After Exercising

Starting a new exercise routine can trigger an increased appetite and hunger, but is it real or just a decoy? Let's explore the science behind post-exercise hunger and how to distinguish between real and decoy hunger signals.

Leptin and Fat Storage

Leptin is a metabolic hormone that manages your appetite and fat stores. When you start an exercise program, Leptin thinks the stored fat on your body is there intentionally and that you've been saving and keeping it as future energy. This leads to...

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3 Steps to Identify Healthy Imposters

Want the shortcut to healthy eating? Learn how to identify the "healthy imposters!"

There's nothing worse than thinking you're making healthy choices and maintaining healthy habits but not seeing the results of your new decisions and actions. Most often, you've been unknowingly sabotaged by "healthy imposters." Unfortunately, these imposters can derail your weight-loss & wellness goals and, over time, can accumulate negative health consequences.

What's a Healthy Imposter? 

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Tasty Tricks: How Foods, By Design, Are Hard to Resist

Why is it so hard to take one bite and stop? It's not you. It's the food. Processed foods keep all of us eating and wanting more by design with unstoppable taste, flavor, and variety, stimulating us so we can't stop eating. 

Tasty Tricks 

Taste is the first place our brain registers stimulation and flavor. So that's why food manufacturers know to develop substances stimulating the tongue and the brain. And they constantly formulate new ways to amplify the power of what we...

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