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Frozen Treats: What I Buy & Won't Buy... & Why Ā 

Good living means enjoying the good food and on occasion, fun foods too! That’s why, when I’m making the exception to my every-day-healthy-eating-pattern, I want to try to get the BEST quality ingredients and taste I can find! It’s summer time so I’m featuring frozen treats; everything from ice-cream to sorbet to fruit pops!

Special Edition 

Normally, I’ll only share specific brand names with my Ovvia Members. But in this special edition, I want to show you...

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Frozen Burgers: What to Buy & Why

If you want to have “fast food” on hand at home, frozen burgers are absolutely essential. Why? Most all of the boxed brands do NOT require a defrost. Which means, you can cook them frozen! Get the temp. guide here too!

Convenience is the big advantage over fresh burgers, because they’re always ready to go in the freezer to “cook & eat”.  in less than 10 minutes on an outdoor grill or in a pan on the stove top. Either way, you’ll likely waste...

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Weekend BBQ Meal Plan!

Enjoy yourself, don’t destroy yourself this holiday weekend! We all love to celebrate with food, family and friends, that’s why, I plan for the exceptional foods and I also formulate a plan to protect my metabolic health too. Here are my top tips and links to recipes!

Make FIBER the 1st Priority

"Catch carbohydrates” with the net of protection fiber makes inside your belly. That’s why I eat fiber filled foods first. Then I’m better protected from...

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10 Tips to Add Amazing Flavor to Meat

healthy eating protein tips May 06, 2022

Great tasting meat relies on flavor and proper cooking technique. Follow these 10 tips to elevate the flavor and taste of what’s on your plate! 


#1. Fat is flavor. The fattier cuts of meat like chicken thighs and rib-eye bring natural flavor inside the fatty marbling. Those are my two favorite cuts by the way. And they also do well retaining natural moisture, which means they don’t dry out as easily. I stopped eating chicken breasts when I leaned the fat in the chicken...

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Fillers & Fakes in Healthy Food?

diet fat healthy eating tips Apr 14, 2022

YES, unfortunately food that we think of as healthy is commonly loaded with unnecessary fillers and fakes. These two smuggles are in addition to the first two you learned about last week: #1 Fat and #2 Flavor. The bottom line tips from last week were: "Add your own flavor, buy the plain version. And buy full fat or whole milk products.” Read more here to learn the other two “Fs” that cause food to fail the “healthy” standard.

#3 Fillers are fake food and are a...

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4 Tips to Buying Healthy Food

Unsuspecting smuggled ingredients can derail your healthy eating by stimulating appetite, hunger and cravings! These 4 tips all start with the letter “F” and will help you when shopping for packaged foods so you can avoid unnecessary sugars, stimulants, fakes and fillers. In this two-part series, we’ll start with the first two things you need to know! And you’ll find examples and recommendations to help clarify too.

#1 Flavor variations most commonly include...

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How To Shop For Real Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Not all Olive Oil is the same. Last week, I shared why Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the healthiest oil and you learned about the abundance of counterfeits. Here you'll learn exactly which certifications to look for and where to buy it!

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is like wine. The region where the olives are grown influences the flavor and color. The process and care as to how the oil is extracted and bottled is another key to quality. And finally, if it's not stored properly, it will spoil. But...

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6 Ways to Make Healthier Popcorn at Home

Popcorn is a healthy high-fiber, whole grain snack, but not all popcorn is the same. It depends on how it's prepared and and the ingredients you use. 

Here are 6 ways to make healthy popcorn at home & seasoning tips below:

1. Whirly-pop: Doing all this research, it was highly recommended by all the experts! I just ordered this one & plan to try it this weekend! The key is aluminum thin version for best heat conduction.   

2. Air-Fry: With NO oil, it's the most...

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My Secret Motivation!

3 min read 

Self-Love is my secret motivation! Why? Because I know, “You’ll quit what you don’t care about.” Which means, you’ll stop working to improve and maintain your health if you don’t have real self-love established. 

When I was upset with my body and feeling discouraged and frustrated with my excess weight, I’d tell myself, “I’ll love myself more once I get to my healthy weight.” But then I learned that the...

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